
heavy sumo made easy ....

If you carefully analyze the best sumo pullers on the planet, you will quickly discover they pull exactly the same way. apart from their form being the same on 60k (135lb) warm-up as well as on a 400k (880lb) pull, they have a few points in common .... Watch them and learn: Pozdeev, Belayev, Green.

Watch, learn, and see your sumo numbers go through the roof!!!

1. Stance
Notice how wide they set up their feet. Forget the bullshit you read on internet about instability and hip problems. Give the wide stance a try and drill the technique. All these guys train deadlift 1-3 times a week with tons of volume. You can too. Very wide stance minimizes the ROM, minimizes the knee flexion and most importantly, lets you pull your hips close to the bar. The closer the hips are to the bar, the better leverage you can get.

2. Toe flare
I would dare to say their toe flare in more than 45 degrees. Why? Because they can get their hips closer to the bar. The less toe flare you will have, the further your butt will be from the bar and the worse leverages you get. Then you will rely too much on your lower back and not hips.

3. Butt sink
All of them sink the butt real low to get the most out of their hips, hams and glutes. These are the strongest deadlift muscles. Not the lower back. The lower back is static through the whole motion and keeps the lower back spine locked.

4. Sequence
First, they lock their knees, then they finish the pull with their glutes. Not lower back, but glutes. Knees lock and hips move forward flexing butt like crazy. You probably read many books where the pull is described as a simultaneous action of knee flexion and hip extension. Well, these guys do it differently.

.... so, here we go: take a wide stance, get a huge toe flare, sink your butt real deep to load your hips and hams, extend hips and lock knees, then finish the pull with maximum hip extension.

Does it work? Well, all three of them pull around 400k (880lb). That's a stupid strong sumo deadlift.

Konstantin Pozdeev from Russia:

Andrey Belayev from Russia:

Dan Green from the USA:

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