
Deadlift and weak points ... no isolation, deadlifts again!

Deadlift is KING.

If you listen to Western and Eastern coaches and lifters, one of the differences is that West seems to focus on benching a lot while the Eastern Bloc always focuses on deadlift as number one lift. Why? You can deadlift way more than you can bench. The Eastern lifting protocol is almost always: deadlift, then squat, then bench, if at all. Bench is only 20-25% of your total anyway.

There is a training philosophy how to train weaknesses while deadlifting: hitting the hams, abs are weak, more quads, more lower back, stronger upper back, you name it. Nothing wrong with that.

But I think there is much more superior and way more efficient method: target your deadlift weaknesses with deadlift variations. Why? You still train the main lift, you address a weakness in movement pattern, not in muscle and after all you are still deadlifting and improving your motor learning skills.

I hope you don't believe the bullshit from Westside: deadlift infrequently and build your deadlifting muscles by isolation exercises. Disclaimer: I am not bashing Westside lifters, I am bashing the method. While 820-850 pull is fantastic in Westside, in Russia, with 820 you will not make top 10 in many meets. Forget about medals. You need to pull way over 880.

Some very useful and result producing deadlift variations:

Deficit pulls
Don't pull from a big deficit because it will alter your pathway too much. 1-1,5" is enough. You get more leg drive and the ROM is longer. Enough to target your initial push off the floor and glutes while locking out big deadlift. Use something like 4 sets of 3 with 60-70%.

Deadlift up to knees
Perfect for practising the starting position and the initial pull. Push with your legs strongly, stop at knees and lower the bar. For lifters who are weak off the floor and strong at lockout. Something like 5 sets of 3 with 75%.

Paused deadlifts
This is a bitch. You will use only like 60-70% for multiple sets of 3 but it will feel very heavy. Pull off the floor, pause right below knees for full 2 seconds, finish the pull. Let someone else count full 2 seconds. Your core, lower back and middle back will be fried the next day. This pull variation teaches you to stay tight during the pull and not to fold over or shoot up your hips. Be careful, these are very taxing.

Block pulls
Use them sporadically because they will fry your CNS. Use low block pulls, plates sitting on max 3-4" blocks. Any more than that is just ego booster, nothing more. Go for 4 sets of 4 with 85% of even 2 sets of 2 with 95%. Full overload, builds confidence, whole back, strong lockout with glutes. I usually use them as second deadlifts on Wednesdays. Typical Wednesday training mid-cycle:

- deficit pulls: 4 sets of 3 @ 65-70%
- bench press: 6 sets of 3 @ 80% or Sheiko pyramid
- block pulls: 4 sets of 4 @ 85%
- incline DB press: 3 sets of 8
- barbell rows: 4 sets of 6
- ab wheel: 3 sets of 8

Now go pull something big :-)

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