But I do think it matters (to a degree).
When I say "fluff stuff" I do not mean the big important assitance lifts like standing press or front squats, I mean the small things like face pulls, DB flyes, biceps curls, rear delt raises, etc.
I think you can still do the fluff stuff if it does not compromise the main program. Which means:
1/ benches, pulls, squats, shoulder presses, rows, Romanian deadlifts are still 95% of your program throughout the week
2/ the big lifts still get priority over the fluff stuff. Always.
3/ If time is an issue you skip the fluff stuff, never the main lift. Never. One of my sessions typically looks like this:
- heavy conventional: 5 sets of 5
- medium-heavy floor press: 6 sets of 8
- heavy abs: 3 sets
- additional hamstring work: 3-6 sets
Limited time? Then I only do the pull, floor press and abs. Very limited time? Do the pulls, floor press and get out. You've done 95% of the work.

4/ Do the fluff stuff on your off days. Really, I think it is the best option. It does not take away from your main sessions, it speeds up recovery and EVERYBODY has time to do it because it lasts 10-20 minutes tops.
band face pulls: 3 sets of 20
band triceps pushdowns: 1 set of 100 reps
band leg curls: 4 sets of 20
abs: 3 sets of 30
hammer curls: 4 sets of 10
rear delt raises: 3 set of 30
miniband pull-aparts: 4 set of 50
ab wheel: 4 sets of 15
Don't sweat it, it's only the remaining 5% of your training.
Good luck!
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